Care Delivery – Susan2


Susan2 describes how her local cardiologist works with her expert care team in a large urban centre.


Again, I was fortunate enough to have some local cardiologists that were really understanding. The first gentleman, retired during my stable years and passed me onto my current doctor. And he went to school with a lot of people. He knew a few of the names. So they kind of knew each other in the background and this cardiologist was always – has been and still is – very good about letting Toronto run the show, run the medications. If I need to go there, he’ll call them, he’ll send me. He’s been fantastic in understanding what’s going on and that I need to be associated there. So we’ve had that advantage. My uncle, no names mentioned, but his cardiologist locally was the fellow that first of all, denied that it could be familial. And we did not feel that he was getting the same quality of care that my mom and I did with [doctor] in Toronto. [doctor] was a world leading knowledge on heart muscle disease. There we go. So I had the best.

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